28 posts in category Meet the Flowers


Meet Zinnia... Dancing helped me get away from my boyfriend and I will always be grateful for that. A couple years later, I was at a pub with my older ...

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Meet Violet... I love dancing but I don’t overdo it. I like to keep balance in my life. A lot of girls get caught up in the money, attention and the ...

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Meet Tulip... Another weird person was the guy with the foot fetish. He would pay my girlfriend and me to massage our feet. He also paid us $300 to be foot ...

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Tiger Lily

Meet Tiger Lily... I told my parents I was a waitress. I had limited contact with my family because I had some emotional crap I was dealing with when moving ...

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Meet Sunflower... I was an only child and I lived in the country surrounded by animals. My dad did not believe in laziness so he always had me up at six in ...

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Meet Snowdrop... I had nothing to lose; I was a drug dealer. I made twenty times more money then I do now dancing. I remember being at one of the biggest ...

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Meet Petunia... Something people would find shocking about me is that I was a heroin addict and lived on the streets for five years between the ages of ...

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Meet Orchid... My job was to wander around the bar and sell bottles of liquor that ranged from $400-$2000. Legally, the customer is not allowed to pour the ...

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Meet Lily... One night I was walking to the convenience store around one thirty in the morning, and I was approached by three crack heads. I got a bad vibe ...

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Meet Lilac... I have no tales of abuse or neglect or how I wasn’t loved enough, only a series of unfortunate events that led me to life of plastic heels, ...

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