28 posts in category Meet the Flowers


Meet Cannabis... There is one strip club that I refuse to work at. I was supposed to be there for a week and a half (Friday until two Sundays later). I only ...

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Meet Camellia... When my boyfriend and I moved to BC, I was going to school part time and working part time at a coffee shop. We moved to a little cottage ...

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Calla Lily

Meet Calla Lily... I waited for the perfect time. I was secretly researching on how to enter this lucrative world of nakedness and found my answer. The ad ...

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Blue Lotus

Meet Blue Lotus... I used to look in the newspaper all the time under the adult section. There was always the same ad saying you could earn $300-$500 per ...

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Meet Azalea... After my first week of dancing, I told my parents. This caused a big problem between us and we basically had no relationship for almost three ...

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Meet Ayanna... Many dancers receive gifts from the customers. I’ve got to say that one of the strangest gifts I received came from a sweetheart of a ...

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African Violet

Meet African Violet... Growing up, I have never had any issues with my dad. Although my parents are divorced, my mom was a wonderful, strong parent. My dad ...

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Meet Rose... The drugs in this industry really surprised me. If you look for it, cocaine is always available. I got addicted to it for four years. I had ...

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