Blue Lotus

Meet Blue Lotus…

I used to look in the newspaper all the time under the adult section. There was always the same ad saying you could earn $300-$500 per day as a dancer. This ad appealed to me because I would have given anything to have money and be considered beautiful. When I was a kid, I wished upon a star every day that I would be beautiful and skinny.


Throughout high school, I didn’t have many friends and I went unnoticed for the most part.  It wasn’t completely my fault since my mom raised me and my sister by herself and we were one step above welfare. She was a broken soul who turned to religion as a way of coping. This wasn’t a normal church, though. It was a lesser known faith where the women aren’t allowed to wear pants, cut their hair, watch TV, listen to the radio or do anything at all really. So, everyday I went to school with a long, ratty skirt that was full of holes. It was the only skirt I owned and I had about three or four ugly shirts. My mom could only afford to buy me one outfit a year. The other students called me ‘skirt girl.’


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